Garden Club Presentation
August 9, 2017
MOTT QLD 40th Event
December 11, 2021

Tree Planting Event India

I would like to introduce you to Mr Subodh Kumar Verma who is a Environmental and Social Activist living in India. I was recently contacted through The Man Of The Trees Website requesting that I send through the e-book My Life My Trees. Mr Verma had also Kindly sent through some wonderful video footage of a tree planting event which can be viewed below.

Please see below some comments from Mr Verma;

“Grassroot awareness is still needed for protection and conservation of the environment. It is a must for life to save trees. Trees create a healthy environment and a healthy society.”

Mr Verma had been working closely with noted environmentalist and Chipko movement leader Padma Vibhushan Shri Sunder Lal Bahuguna Ji.

“Please spread my message widely in the faith of mankind to plant saplings and care for them as their own child in the memory of my of my GURUDEV Noted Environmentalist Shri Sundar Lal Bahuguna Ji who dedicated his life for the protections and conservation of the environment. It will be a warm salute to the Devine soul of Babuji. We always prayed tree prayer of St Barbe Baker with every saplings after plantation. “

Many thanks to Mr Verma for your wonderful tree planting efforts and for sending through your video to share your story with the rest of the world. We really appreciate it.

If you have a great story about your tree planting event and would like us to post your story on our website please email Thank you.